Source code for nidata.diffusion

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import os
import os.path as op
import sys
import textwrap
import contextlib
import zipfile

if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
    from urllib2 import urlopen
    from urllib.request import urlopen

from os.path import join as pjoin
from hashlib import md5
from shutil import copyfileobj

import numpy as np
import nibabel as nib

[docs]class FetcherError(Exception): pass
def _log(msg): print(msg) dipy_home = pjoin(op.expanduser('~'), '.dipy')
[docs]def fetch_data(files, folder): """Downloads files to folder and checks their md5 checksums Parameters ---------- files : dictionary For each file in `files` the value should be (url, md5). The file will be downloaded from url if the file does not already exist or if the file exists but the md5 checksum does not match. folder : str The directory where to save the file, the directory will be created if it does not already exist. Raises ------ FetcherError Raises if the md5 checksum of the file does not match the expected value. The downloaded file is not deleted when this error is raised. """ if not op.exists(folder): _log("Creating new folder %s" % (folder)) os.makedirs(folder) all_skip = True for f in files: url, md5 = files[f] fullpath = pjoin(folder, f) if op.exists(fullpath) and (_get_file_md5(fullpath) == md5): continue all_skip = False _log('Downloading "%s" to %s' % (f, folder)) _get_file_data(fullpath, url) if _get_file_md5(fullpath) != md5: msg = """The downloaded file, %s, does not have the expected md5 checksum of "%s". This could mean that that something is wrong with the file or that the upstream file has been updated. You can try downloading the file again or updating to the newest version of dipy.""" % (fullpath, md5) msg = textwrap.fill(msg) raise FetcherError(msg) if all_skip: _log("All files already in %s." % (folder)) else: _log("Files successfully downloaded to %s" % (folder))
[docs]def fetch_scil_b0(): """ Download b=0 datasets from multiple MR systems (GE, Philips, Siemens) and different magnetic fields (1.5T and 3T) """ zipname = 'datasets_multi-site_all_companies' url = '' uraw = url + zipname + '.zip' folder = pjoin(dipy_home, zipname) if not op.exists(folder): print('Creating new directory %s' % folder) os.makedirs(folder) print('Downloading SCIL b=0 datasets from multiple sites and multiple companies (9.2MB)...') opener = urlopen(uraw) open(folder+'.zip', 'wb').write( print('Unziping '+folder+'.zip ...') zip = zipfile.ZipFile(folder+'.zip', 'r') zip.extractall(dipy_home) print('Done.') print('Files copied in folder %s' % dipy_home) else: print('Dataset already in place. If you want to fetch again please first remove folder %s ' % dipy_home)
[docs]def read_scil_b0(): """ Load GE 3T b0 image form the scil b0 dataset. Returns ------- img : obj, Nifti1Image """ file = pjoin(dipy_home, 'datasets_multi-site_all_companies', '3T', 'GE', 'b0.nii.gz') return nib.load(file)
[docs]def read_siemens_scil_b0(): """ Load Siemens 1.5T b0 image form the scil b0 dataset. Returns ------- img : obj, Nifti1Image """ file = pjoin(dipy_home, 'datasets_multi-site_all_companies', '1.5T', 'Siemens', 'b0.nii.gz') return nib.load(file)
def _get_file_md5(filename): """Compute the md5 checksum of a file""" md5_data = md5() with open(filename, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda:*md5_data.block_size), b''): md5_data.update(chunk) return md5_data.hexdigest()
[docs]def check_md5(filename, stored_md5): """ Computes the md5 of filename and check if it matches with the supplied string md5 Input ----- filename : string Path to a file. md5 : string Known md5 of filename to check against. """ computed_md5 = _get_file_md5(filename) if stored_md5 != computed_md5: print ("MD5 checksum of filename", filename, "failed. Expected MD5 was", stored_md5, "but computed MD5 was", computed_md5, '\n', "Please check if the data has been downloaded correctly or if the upstream data has changed.")
def _get_file_data(fname, url): with contextlib.closing(urlopen(url)) as opener: with open(fname, 'wb') as data: copyfileobj(opener, data)
[docs]def fetch_isbi2013_2shell(): """ Download a 2-shell software phantom dataset """ url = '' uraw = url + '2shells-1500-2500-N64-SNR-30.nii.gz' ubval = url + '2shells-1500-2500-N64.bval' ubvec = url + '2shells-1500-2500-N64.bvec' folder = pjoin(dipy_home, 'isbi2013') md5_list = ['42911a70f232321cf246315192d69c42', # data '90e8cf66e0f4d9737a3b3c0da24df5ea', # bval '4b7aa2757a1ccab140667b76e8075cb1'] # bvec url_list = [uraw, ubval, ubvec] fname_list = ['phantom64.nii.gz', 'phantom64.bval', 'phantom64.bvec'] if not op.exists(folder): print('Creating new directory %s' % folder) os.makedirs(folder) print('Downloading raw 2-shell synthetic data (20MB)...') for i in range(len(md5_list)): _get_file_data(pjoin(folder, fname_list[i]), url_list[i]) check_md5(pjoin(folder, fname_list[i]), md5_list[i]) print('Done.') print('Files copied in folder %s' % folder) else: print('Dataset is already in place. If you want to fetch it again, please first remove the folder %s ' % folder)
[docs]def read_isbi2013_2shell(): """ Load ISBI 2013 2-shell synthetic dataset Returns ------- img : obj, Nifti1Image gtab : obj, GradientTable """ folder = pjoin(dipy_home, 'isbi2013') fraw = pjoin(folder, 'phantom64.nii.gz') fbval = pjoin(folder, 'phantom64.bval') fbvec = pjoin(folder, 'phantom64.bvec') md5_dict = {'data': '42911a70f232321cf246315192d69c42', 'bval': '90e8cf66e0f4d9737a3b3c0da24df5ea', 'bvec': '4b7aa2757a1ccab140667b76e8075cb1'} check_md5(fraw, md5_dict['data']) check_md5(fbval, md5_dict['bval']) check_md5(fbvec, md5_dict['bvec']) from import read_bvals_bvecs bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fbval, fbvec) from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs) img = nib.load(fraw) return img, gtab
[docs]def fetch_sherbrooke_3shell(): """ Download a 3shell HARDI dataset with 192 gradient directions """ url = '' uraw = url + '3shells-1000-2000-3500-N193.nii.gz' ubval = url + '3shells-1000-2000-3500-N193.bval' ubvec = url + '3shells-1000-2000-3500-N193.bvec' folder = pjoin(dipy_home, 'sherbrooke_3shell') md5_list = ['0b735e8f16695a37bfbd66aab136eb66', # data 'e9b9bb56252503ea49d31fb30a0ac637', # bval '0c83f7e8b917cd677ad58a078658ebb7'] # bvec url_list = [uraw, ubval, ubvec] fname_list = ['HARDI193.nii.gz', 'HARDI193.bval', 'HARDI193.bvec'] if not op.exists(folder): print('Creating new directory %s' % folder) os.makedirs(folder) print('Downloading raw 3-shell data (184MB)...') for i in range(len(md5_list)): _get_file_data(pjoin(folder, fname_list[i]), url_list[i]) check_md5(pjoin(folder, fname_list[i]), md5_list[i]) print('Done.') print('Files copied in folder %s' % folder) else: print('Dataset is already in place. If you want to fetch it again, please first remove the folder %s ' % folder)
[docs]def read_sherbrooke_3shell(): """ Load Sherbrooke 3-shell HARDI dataset Returns ------- img : obj, Nifti1Image gtab : obj, GradientTable """ folder = pjoin(dipy_home, 'sherbrooke_3shell') fraw = pjoin(folder, 'HARDI193.nii.gz') fbval = pjoin(folder, 'HARDI193.bval') fbvec = pjoin(folder, 'HARDI193.bvec') md5_dict = {'data': '0b735e8f16695a37bfbd66aab136eb66', 'bval': 'e9b9bb56252503ea49d31fb30a0ac637', 'bvec': '0c83f7e8b917cd677ad58a078658ebb7'} check_md5(fraw, md5_dict['data']) check_md5(fbval, md5_dict['bval']) check_md5(fbvec, md5_dict['bvec']) from import read_bvals_bvecs bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fbval, fbvec) from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs) img = nib.load(fraw) return img, gtab
[docs]def fetch_stanford_labels(): """Download reduced freesurfer aparc image from stanford web site.""" folder = pjoin(dipy_home, 'stanford_hardi') baseurl = '' files = {} files["aparc-reduced.nii.gz"] = (baseurl + "aparc-reduced.nii.gz", '742de90090d06e687ce486f680f6d71a') files["label-info.txt"] = (baseurl + "label_info.txt", '39db9f0f5e173d7a2c2e51b07d5d711b') fetch_data(files, folder) return files, folder
[docs]def read_stanford_labels(): """Read stanford hardi data and label map""" # First get the hardi data fetch_stanford_hardi() hard_img, gtab = read_stanford_hardi() # Fetch and load files, folder = fetch_stanford_labels() labels_file = pjoin(folder, "aparc-reduced.nii.gz") labels_img = nib.load(labels_file) return hard_img, gtab, labels_img
[docs]def fetch_stanford_hardi(): """ Download a HARDI dataset with 160 gradient directions """ url = '' uraw = url + 'dwi.nii.gz' ubval = url + 'dwi.bvals' ubvec = url + 'dwi.bvecs' folder = pjoin(dipy_home, 'stanford_hardi') md5_list = ['0b18513b46132b4d1051ed3364f2acbc', # data '4e08ee9e2b1d2ec3fddb68c70ae23c36', # bval '4c63a586f29afc6a48a5809524a76cb4'] # bvec url_list = [uraw, ubval, ubvec] fname_list = ['HARDI150.nii.gz', 'HARDI150.bval', 'HARDI150.bvec'] if not op.exists(folder): print('Creating new directory %s' % folder) os.makedirs(folder) print('Downloading raw HARDI data (87MB)...') for i in range(len(md5_list)): _get_file_data(pjoin(folder, fname_list[i]), url_list[i]) check_md5(pjoin(folder, fname_list[i]), md5_list[i]) print('Done.') print('Files copied in folder %s' % folder) else: print('Dataset is already in place. If you want to fetch it again, please first remove the folder %s ' % folder)
[docs]def read_stanford_hardi(): """ Load Stanford HARDI dataset Returns ------- img : obj, Nifti1Image gtab : obj, GradientTable """ folder = pjoin(dipy_home, 'stanford_hardi') fraw = pjoin(folder, 'HARDI150.nii.gz') fbval = pjoin(folder, 'HARDI150.bval') fbvec = pjoin(folder, 'HARDI150.bvec') md5_dict = {'data': '0b18513b46132b4d1051ed3364f2acbc', 'bval': '4e08ee9e2b1d2ec3fddb68c70ae23c36', 'bvec': '4c63a586f29afc6a48a5809524a76cb4'} check_md5(fraw, md5_dict['data']) check_md5(fbval, md5_dict['bval']) check_md5(fbvec, md5_dict['bvec']) from import read_bvals_bvecs bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fbval, fbvec) from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs) img = nib.load(fraw) return img, gtab
[docs]def fetch_stanford_t1(): url = '' url_t1 = url + 't1.nii.gz' folder = pjoin(dipy_home, 'stanford_hardi') file_md5 = 'a6a140da6a947d4131b2368752951b0a' files = {"t1.nii.gz": (url_t1, file_md5)} fetch_data(files, folder) return files, folder
[docs]def read_stanford_t1(): files, folder = fetch_stanford_t1() f_t1 = pjoin(folder, 't1.nii.gz') img = nib.load(f_t1) return img
[docs]def fetch_stanford_pve_maps(): url = '' url_pve_csf = url + 'pve_csf.nii.gz' url_pve_gm = url + 'pve_gm.nii.gz' url_pve_wm = url + 'pve_wm.nii.gz' folder = pjoin(dipy_home, 'stanford_hardi') file_csf_md5 = '2c498e4fed32bca7f726e28aa86e9c18' file_gm_md5 = '1654b20aeb35fc2734a0d7928b713874' file_wm_md5 = '2e244983cf92aaf9f9d37bc7716b37d5' files = {"pve_csf.nii.gz": (url_pve_csf, file_csf_md5), "pve_gm.nii.gz": (url_pve_gm, file_gm_md5), "pve_wm.nii.gz": (url_pve_wm, file_wm_md5)} fetch_data(files, folder) return files, folder
[docs]def read_stanford_pve_maps(): files, folder = fetch_stanford_pve_maps() f_pve_csf = pjoin(folder, 'pve_csf.nii.gz') f_pve_gm = pjoin(folder, 'pve_gm.nii.gz') f_pve_wm = pjoin(folder, 'pve_wm.nii.gz') img_pve_csf = nib.load(f_pve_csf) img_pve_gm = nib.load(f_pve_gm) img_pve_wm = nib.load(f_pve_wm) return (img_pve_csf, img_pve_gm, img_pve_wm)
[docs]def fetch_taiwan_ntu_dsi(): """ Download a DSI dataset with 203 gradient directions """ uraw = '' ubval = '' ubvec = '' ureadme = '' folder = pjoin(dipy_home, 'taiwan_ntu_dsi') md5_list = ['950408c0980a7154cb188666a885a91f', # data '602e5cb5fad2e7163e8025011d8a6755', # bval 'a95eb1be44748c20214dc7aa654f9e6b', # bvec '7fa1d5e272533e832cc7453eeba23f44'] # license url_list = [uraw, ubval, ubvec, ureadme] fname_list = ['DSI203.nii.gz', 'DSI203.bval', 'DSI203.bvec', 'DSI203_license.txt'] if not op.exists(folder): print('Creating new directory %s' % folder) os.makedirs(folder) print('Downloading raw DSI data (91MB)...') for i in range(len(md5_list)): _get_file_data(pjoin(folder, fname_list[i]), url_list[i]) check_md5(pjoin(folder, fname_list[i]), md5_list[i]) print('Done.') print('Files copied in folder %s' % folder) print('See DSI203_license.txt for LICENSE.') print('For the complete datasets please visit :') print('') else: print('Dataset is already in place. If you want to fetch it again, please first remove the folder %s ' % folder)
[docs]def read_taiwan_ntu_dsi(): """ Load Taiwan NTU dataset Returns ------- img : obj, Nifti1Image gtab : obj, GradientTable """ folder = pjoin(dipy_home, 'taiwan_ntu_dsi') fraw = pjoin(folder, 'DSI203.nii.gz') fbval = pjoin(folder, 'DSI203.bval') fbvec = pjoin(folder, 'DSI203.bvec') md5_dict = {'data': '950408c0980a7154cb188666a885a91f', 'bval': '602e5cb5fad2e7163e8025011d8a6755', 'bvec': 'a95eb1be44748c20214dc7aa654f9e6b', 'license': '7fa1d5e272533e832cc7453eeba23f44'} check_md5(fraw, md5_dict['data']) check_md5(fbval, md5_dict['bval']) check_md5(fbvec, md5_dict['bvec']) check_md5(pjoin(folder, 'DSI203_license.txt'), md5_dict['license']) from import read_bvals_bvecs bvals, bvecs = read_bvals_bvecs(fbval, fbvec) bvecs[1:] = bvecs[1:] / np.sqrt(np.sum(bvecs[1:] * bvecs[1:], axis=1))[:, None] from dipy.core.gradients import gradient_table gtab = gradient_table(bvals, bvecs) img = nib.load(fraw) return img, gtab
[docs]def fetch_syn_data(): """ Download t1 and b0 volumes from the same session """ url = '' t1 = url + 't1.nii.gz' b0 = url + 'b0.nii.gz' folder = pjoin(dipy_home, 'syn_test') md5_list = ['701bda02bb769655c7d4a9b1df2b73a6', # t1 'e4b741f0c77b6039e67abb2885c97a78'] # b0 url_list = [t1, b0] fname_list = ['t1.nii.gz', 'b0.nii.gz'] if not op.exists(folder): print('Creating new directory %s' % folder) os.makedirs(folder) print('Downloading t1 and b0 volumes from the same session (12MB)...') for i in range(len(md5_list)): _get_file_data(pjoin(folder, fname_list[i]), url_list[i]) check_md5(pjoin(folder, fname_list[i]), md5_list[i]) print('Done.') print('Files copied in folder %s' % folder) else: print('Dataset is already in place. If you want to fetch it again, please first remove the folder %s ' % folder)
[docs]def read_syn_data(): """ Load t1 and b0 volumes from the same session Returns ------- t1 : obj, Nifti1Image b0 : obj, Nifti1Image """ folder = pjoin(dipy_home, 'syn_test') t1_name = pjoin(folder, 't1.nii.gz') b0_name = pjoin(folder, 'b0.nii.gz') md5_dict = {'t1': '701bda02bb769655c7d4a9b1df2b73a6', 'b0': 'e4b741f0c77b6039e67abb2885c97a78'} check_md5(t1_name, md5_dict['t1']) check_md5(b0_name, md5_dict['b0']) t1 = nib.load(t1_name) b0 = nib.load(b0_name) return t1, b0