Source code for nidata.atlas.haxby_etal_2011
# *- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Ben Cipollini
# License: simplified BSD
import os
import os.path as op
import sys
import nibabel as nib
import numpy as np
from ...core.datasets import HttpDataset
[docs]class HaxbyEtal2011Dataset(HttpDataset):
TODO: Haxby needs a docstring
note: initial decoding only works in python 2.
dependencies = ['Cython', 'h5py'] + HttpDataset.dependencies
[docs] def fetch(self, n_subjects=10, resume=True, force=False, check=True,
"""data_types is a list, can contain: anat, diff, func, rest, psyc, bgnd
if n_subjects > self.MAX_SUBJECTS:
raise ValueError('Max # subjects == %d' % self.MAX_SUBJECTS)
processed_files = ['S%02d_func_mni.nii.gz' % subj_id
for subj_id in range(1, 1 + n_subjects)]
processed_files = [op.join(self.data_dir, f)
for f in processed_files]
raw_files = (''
raw_files = self.fetcher.fetch(raw_files, resume=resume, force=force,
check=check, verbose=verbose)
if force or np.any([not op.exists(f) for f in processed_files]):
# Import local version of pymvpa
if sys.version_info[0] > 2:
raise NotImplementedError("pymvpa only works in Python 2,"
"to convert this file.")
cur_dir = op.dirname(op.abspath(__file__))
mvpa2_path = op.abspath(op.join(cur_dir, '..', '..', 'core',
'_external', 'pymvpa'))
sys.path = [mvpa2_path] + sys.path
from mvpa2.base.hdf5 import h5load
# Load the file and manipulate into expected form.
ds_all = h5load(raw_files[0])
for si, func_filename in enumerate(processed_files[:-1]):
if not op.exists(op.dirname(func_filename)):
# Construct and save the image
func_data = np.transpose(ds_all[si].O, [1, 2, 3, 0])
func_affine = ds_all[si].a['imgaffine'].value
func_hdr = ds_all[si].a['imghdr'].value
img = nib.Nifti1Image(func_data, affine=func_affine,
extra=func_hdr), func_filename)
# Construct and save the stimuli
value_arr = np.asarray([ds_all[0].T, ds_all[0].sa['chunks']])
csv_cols = np.vstack([['stim', 'chunk'], value_arr.T])
np.savetxt(processed_files[-1], csv_cols, delimiter=',', fmt='%s')
return dict(