import importlib
import inspect
import os
import os.path as op
from six import with_metaclass
from ..objdep import ClassWithDependencies, DependenciesMeta
[docs]def readlinkabs(link):
Return an absolute path for the destination
of a symlink
path = os.readlink(link)
if op.isabs(path):
return path
return op.join(op.dirname(link), path)
[docs]def get_dataset_dir(dataset_name, data_dir=None, env_vars=[],
""" Create if necessary and returns data directory of given dataset.
dataset_name: string
The unique name of the dataset.
data_dir: string, optional
Path of the data directory. Used to force data storage in a specified
location. Default: None
env_vars: list of string, optional
Add environment variables searched even if data_dir is not None.
verbose: int, optional
verbosity level (0 means no message).
data_dir: string
Path of the given dataset directory.
This function retrieves the datasets directory (or data directory) using
the following priority :
1. the keyword argument data_dir
2. the global environment variable NILEARN_SHARED_DATA
3. the user environment variable NIDATA_PATH
4. NIDATA_PATH in the user home folder
# We build an array of successive paths by priority
paths = []
# Search given environment variables
for env_var in env_vars:
env_data = os.getenv(env_var, '')
# Check data_dir which force storage in a specific location
if data_dir is not None:
paths = data_dir.split(':')
global_data = os.getenv('NIDATA_SHARED_DATA')
if global_data is not None:
local_data = os.getenv('NIDATA_PATH')
if local_data is not None:
if verbose > 2:
print('Dataset search paths: %s' % paths)
# Check if the dataset exists somewhere
for path in paths:
path = op.join(path, dataset_name)
if op.islink(path):
# Resolve path
path = readlinkabs(path)
if op.exists(path) and op.isdir(path):
if verbose > 1:
print('\nDataset found in %s\n' % path)
return path
# If not, create a folder in the first writeable directory
errors = []
for path in paths:
path = op.join(path, dataset_name)
if not op.exists(path):
if verbose > 0:
print('\nDataset created in %s\n' % path)
return path
except Exception as exc:
short_error_message = getattr(exc, 'strerror', str(exc))
errors.append('\n -{0} ({1})'.format(
path, short_error_message))
raise OSError('Nilearn tried to store the dataset in the following '
'directories, but:' + ''.join(errors))
[docs]class Dataset(ClassWithDependencies):
dependencies = []
[docs] def get_dataset_descr_path(cls):
class_path = op.dirname(inspect.getfile(cls))
name = op.basename(class_path)
return op.join(class_path, name + '.rst')
[docs] def get_dataset_descr(cls):
rst_path = cls.get_dataset_descr_path()
with open(rst_path) as fp:
return fp.read()
except IOError:
return ''
def __init__(self, data_dir=None):
super(Dataset, self).__init__()
class_path = op.dirname(inspect.getfile(self.__class__))
self.name = op.basename(class_path)
self.modality = op.basename(op.dirname(class_path)) # assume
self.description = self.get_dataset_descr()
self.data_dir = get_dataset_dir(self.name, data_dir=data_dir)
self.fetcher = getattr(self, 'fetcher', None) # set to *something*.
# Feeling lazy... handle this here, for now.
if self.__class__.__doc__ is None:
self.__class__.__doc__ = self.description
[docs] def clean_data_directory(self):
""" Function that guarantees a data directory."""
if os.path.exists(self.data_dir):
[docs] def fetch(self, force=False, verbose=1, *args, **kwargs):
if force:
return self.fetcher.fetch(verbose=verbose, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class FetcherFunctionDataset(with_metaclass(FetcherFunctionMeta, Dataset)):
[docs] def fetch(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self._func(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class NilearnDataset(FetcherFunctionDataset):
dependencies = (['numpy', 'scipy', 'sklearn', 'nilearn'] +
[docs] def get_dataset_descr_path(cls):
# Grab it from nilearn.
import nilearn.datasets.description as descr
class_path = op.dirname(inspect.getfile(cls))
name = getattr(cls, 'nilearn_name', op.basename(class_path))
descr_path = op.dirname(descr.__file__)
cls.rst_path = op.join(descr_path, '%s.rst' % name)
# ...or locally.
if not op.exists(cls.rst_path):
cls.rst_path = FetcherFunctionDataset.get_dataset_descr_path()
return cls.rst_path
[docs]class NistatsDataset(FetcherFunctionDataset):
dependencies = ['nistats'] + FetcherFunctionDataset.dependencies
[docs]class HttpDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, data_dir=None):
from ..fetchers import HttpFetcher # avoid circular import
super(HttpDataset, self).__init__(data_dir=data_dir)
self.fetcher = HttpFetcher(data_dir=self.data_dir)
[docs]class AuthenticatedHttpDataset(HttpDataset):
def __init__(self, data_dir=None, username=None, passwd=None):
from ..fetchers import HttpFetcher # avoid circular import
username = username or os.environ.get(self.USERNAME_ENV_VAR)
passwd = passwd or os.environ.get(self.PASSWD_ENV_VAR)
if username is None or passwd is None:
raise ValueError("username/passwd must be passed in, or %s/%s "
"environment variables must be set." % (
self.username = username
self.passwd = passwd
super(AuthenticatedHttpDataset, self).__init__(data_dir=data_dir)
self.fetcher = HttpFetcher(data_dir=self.data_dir,