Source code for nidata.core.objdep

Functions for dynamically managing dependencies.

import importlib
import subprocess
import warnings

import pip
from six import with_metaclass

[docs]def install_dependency(module_name, install_info=None, verify=False): """ TODO: install_dependency docstring. """ install_info = install_info or module_name # Install it. try: print("Installing %s from %s..." % (module_name, install_info)) rv = pip.main(['install', install_info]) if rv != 0: warnings.warn('Pip returned %d' % rv) except Exception as ex: print("Exception while installing %s: %s" % (module_name, ex)) return False # Verify it if verify: try: importlib.import_module(module_name) except ImportError as ie: print('Failed to import %s: %s' % (module_name, ie)) return False return True
[docs]def get_missing_dependencies(dependencies): """ TODO: get_missing_dependencies docstring """ missing_dependencies = [] for dep in dependencies: try: importlib.import_module(dep) except ImportError: # as ie: # print('Import error: %s' % str(ie)) missing_dependencies.append(dep) return missing_dependencies
[docs]class DependenciesMeta(type): """ TODO: DependenciesMeta docstring. """ def __new__(cls, name, parents, props): def _init__wrapper(init_fn): """ TODO: _init__wrapper docstring """ def wrapper_fn(self, *args, **kwargs): self.__class__.install_missing_dependencies() return init_fn(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper_fn new_cls = super(DependenciesMeta, cls) \ .__new__(cls, name, parents, props) new_cls.__init__ = _init__wrapper(new_cls.__init__) return new_cls
[docs]class ClassWithDependencies(with_metaclass(DependenciesMeta, object)): @classmethod
[docs] def get_missing_dependencies(cls): """ TODO: get_missing_dependencies docstring """ return get_missing_dependencies( getattr(cls, 'dependencies', ()))
[docs] def install_missing_dependencies(cls, dependencies=None): """ TODO: install_missing_dependencies docstring """ if dependencies is None: dependencies = cls.get_missing_dependencies() for dep in dependencies: print("Installing missing dependencies '%s', for %s" % ( dep, str(cls))) # Allow install info to be a dict; value is some # alternate pip string for installing the module name. # (e.g. git+git:// install_info = None if isinstance(cls.dependencies, dict): install_info = cls.dependencies[dep] if not install_dependency(dep, install_info=install_info): out = subprocess.Popen( ['pip', 'list'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].decode() raise Exception("Failed to install dependency '%s'; " "you will need to install it manually " "and re-run your code.\n%s" % (dep, out))