Source code for nidata.multimodal.hcp

# *- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Ben Cipollini, Howard Zhang
# License: simplified BSD

import os
import os.path as op

from ...core.datasets import Dataset
from ...core.fetchers import AmazonS3Fetcher, HttpFetcher

[docs]class HcpHttpFetcher(HttpFetcher): """TODO: HcpHttpFetcher docstring""" dependencies = ['requests'] + HttpFetcher.dependencies def __init__(self, data_dir=None, username=None, passwd=None): username = username or os.environ.get("NIDATA_HCP_USERNAME") passwd = passwd or os.environ.get("NIDATA_HCP_PASSWD") if username is None or passwd is None: raise ValueError("Must define NIDATA_HCP_USERNAME and " "NIDATA_HCP_PASSWD environment variables, or " "pass username and passwd arguments.") super(HcpHttpFetcher, self).__init__(data_dir=data_dir, username=username, passwd=passwd) self.jsession_id = None
[docs] def fetch(self, files, force=False, resume=True, check=False, verbose=1): if self.jsession_id is None: # Log in to the website. import requests res ='', data={}, auth=(self.username, self.passwd)) res.raise_for_status() # Get the login information. self.jsession_id = res.cookies.get('JSESSIONID') if self.jsession_id is None: raise Exception('Failed to create HCP session.') self.username = self.passwd = None # use session files = self.reformat_files(files) # allows flexibility # Add the session header for tgt, src, opts in files: opts['cookies'] = opts.get('cookies', dict()) opts['cookies'].update({'JSESSIONID': self.jsession_id}) return super(HcpHttpFetcher, self).fetch(files=files, force=force, resume=resume, check=check, verbose=verbose)
[docs]class HcpDataset(Dataset): """TODO: HcpDataset docstring""" def __init__(self, data_dir=None, fetcher_type='http', profile_name='hcp', access_key=None, secret_access_key=None, username=None, passwd=None): """fetcher_type: aws or XNAT""" super(HcpDataset, self).__init__(data_dir=data_dir) self.fetcher_type = fetcher_type if fetcher_type == 'aws': self.fetcher = AmazonS3Fetcher(data_dir=self.data_dir, profile_name=profile_name, access_key=access_key, secret_access_key=secret_access_key) elif fetcher_type in ['http', 'xnat']: self.fetcher = HcpHttpFetcher(data_dir=self.data_dir, username=username, passwd=passwd) else: raise NotImplementedError(fetcher_type)
[docs] def prepend(self, src_files): """ Prepends the proper absolute url to a list of files, based on fetcher type. Parameters ---------- src_files: list of str uncompleted urls without the prepended fetcher type Returns ------- list of fully qualified urls """ files = [] for src_file in src_files: if isinstance(self.fetcher, HttpFetcher): files.append((src_file, '' 'archive/projects/HCP_900/subjects/' + src_file)) elif isinstance(self.fetcher, AmazonS3Fetcher): files.append((src_file, 'HCP/' + src_file)) return files
[docs] def get_subject_list(self, n_subjects=None): """ Get the list of subject IDs. Depends on the # of subjects, which also corresponds to other things (license agreement, type of data available, etc) """ subj_file_info = (('S900.txt', 900), ('S500.txt', 500), ('U100.txt', 100)) fil = None errs = dict() # Loop until we retreive a file that's good. for fname, nsubj in subj_file_info: try: fil = self.fetcher.fetch( files=self.prepend([fname]), verbose=0)[0] with open(fil, 'r') as fp: data = # Make sure it's a good file. subject_ids = data.split('\n') subject_ids = filter(lambda sid: sid != '', [sid.strip() for sid in subject_ids]) if subject_ids < nsubj: os.remove(fil) # corrupt raise ValueError("Removed corrupt file %s" % fil) else: break except Exception as e: errs[fname] = e continue # Completed the loop. Make sure we succeeded, # and that what's requested is possible. if fil is None: raise Exception("Failed to fetch subject list from any file. " "Error details: %s" % errs) if n_subjects > nsubj: raise IndexError("Subjects number requested is too high. Please " "enter a number <= %d." % nsubj) return subject_ids[:n_subjects]
[docs] def get_diff_files(self, process, subj_id): """ Parameters ---------- process : boolean whether or not the data is processed or not can choose from True or False subj_id : String the id of the subject the files are on """ files = [] if not process: diff_path = '%s/unprocessed/3T/Diffusion' % subj_id files += ['%s/%s_3T_BIAS_32CH.nii.gz' % (diff_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s_3T_BIAS_BC.nii.gz' % (diff_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s_3T_DWI_dir95_LR_SBRef.nii.gz' % (diff_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.bval' % (diff_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.bvec' % (diff_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s_3T_DWI_dir95_LR.nii.gz' % (diff_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s_3T_DWI_dir95_RL_SBRef.nii.gz' % (diff_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.bval' % (diff_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.bvec' % (diff_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s_3T_DWI_dir95_RL.nii.gz' % (diff_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/release-notes/Diffusion_unproc.txt' % subj_id] else: diff_path = '%s/T1w/Diffusion' % subj_id files += ['%s/bvals' % diff_path] files += ['%s/bvecs' % diff_path] files += ['%s/data.nii.gz' % diff_path] files += ['%s/release-notes/Diffusion_preproc.txt' % subj_id] return files
[docs] def get_anat_files(self, process, subj_id, atlas, mni, property): """ Parameters ---------- atlas : String scope of surface data, can choose from native or fsaverage mni : boolean determines whether to use mninonlinear data or not, can choose from true or false property : String the chosen properties displayed in structural data files can choose from myelinmap, curvature, thickness process : boolean whether or not the data is processed or not can choose from True or False subj_id : String the id of the subject the files are on """ files = [] if not process: anat_path = '%s/unprocessed/3T' % subj_id files += ['%s/T1w_MPR1/%s_3T_AFI.nii.gz' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/T1w_MPR1/%s_3T_BIAS_32CH.nii.gz' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/T1w_MPR1/%s_3T_BIAS_BC.nii.gz' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/T1w_MPR1/%s_3T_FieldMap_Magnitude.nii.gz' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/T1w_MPR1/%s_3T_FieldMap_Phase.nii.gz' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/T1w_MPR1/%s_3T_T1w_MPR1.nii.gz' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/release-notes/Structural_unproc.txt' % subj_id] else: if not mni: if atlas == 'native': anat_path = '%s/T1w/Native' % subj_id if property == 'thickness': files += ['%s/' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/' % (anat_path, subj_id)] elif atlas == 'fsaverage': anat_path = '%s/T1w/fsaverage_LR32k' % subj_id if property == 'thickness': files += ['%s/' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/' % (anat_path, subj_id)] else: if atlas == 'native': anat_path = '%s/MNINonLinear/Native' % subj_id if property == 'thickness': files += ['%s/%s.corrThickness.native.dscalar.nii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.L.corrThickness.native.shape.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.L.thickness.native.shape.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.R.corrThickness.native.shape.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.R.thickness.native.shape.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.thickness.native.dscalar.nii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] elif property == 'curvature': files += ['%s/%s.curvature.native.dscalar.nii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.L.curvature.native.shape.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.R.curvature.native.shape.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] elif property == 'myelinmap': files += ['%s/%s.L.MyelinMap.native.func.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.L.MyelinMap_BC.native.func.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.L.SmoothedMyelinMap.native.func.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.L.SmoothedMyelinMap_BC.native.func.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.MyelinMap.native.dscalar.nii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.MyelinMap_BC.native.dscalar.nii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.R.MyelinMap.native.func.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.R.MyelinMap_BC.native.func.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.R.SmoothedMyelinMap.native.func.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.R.SmoothedMyelinMap_BC.native.func.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.SmoothedMyelinMap.native.dscalar.nii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.SmoothedMyelinMap_BC.native.dscalar.nii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] elif atlas == 'fsaverage': anat_path = '%s/MNINonLinear/fsaverage_LR32k' % subj_id if property == 'thickness': files += ['%s/%s.corrThickness.32k_fs_LR.dscalar.nii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.L.corrThickness.32k_fs_LR.shape.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.L.thickness.32k_fs_LR.shape.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.R.corrThickness.32k_fs_LR.shape.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.R.thickness.32k_fs_LR.shape.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.thickness.32k_fs_LR.dscalar.nii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] elif property == 'curvature': files += ['%s/%s.curvature.32k_fs_LR.dscalar.nii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.L.curvature.32k_fs_LR.shape.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.R.curvature.32k_fs_LR.shape.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] elif property == 'myelinmap': files += ['%s/%s.L.MyelinMap.32k_fs_LR.func.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.L.MyelinMap_BC.32k_fs_LR.func.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.L.SmoothedMyelinMap.32k_fs_LR.func.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.L.SmoothedMyelinMap_BC.32k_fs_LR.func.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.MyelinMap.32k_fs_LR.dscalar.nii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.MyelinMap_BC.32k_fs_LR.dscalar.nii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.R.MyelinMap.32k_fs_LR.func.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.R.MyelinMap_BC.32k_fs_LR.func.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.R.SmoothedMyelinMap.32k_fs_LR.func.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.R.SmoothedMyelinMap_BC.32k_fs_LR.func.gii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.SmoothedMyelinMap.32k_fs_LR.dscalar.nii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s.SmoothedMyelinMap_BC.32k_fs_LR.dscalar.nii' % (anat_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/release-notes/Structural_preproc.txt' % subj_id] return files
[docs] def get_rest_files(self, process, subj_id): """ Parameters ---------- process : boolean whether or not the data is processed or not can choose from True or False subj_id : String the id of the subject the files are on """ files = [] if not process: rest_path = '%s/unprocessed/3T' % subj_id files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/%s_3T_BIAS_32CH.nii.gz' % (rest_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/%s_3T_BIAS_BC.nii.gz' % (rest_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/%s_3T_rfMRI_REST1_LR_SBRef.nii.gz' % (rest_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/%s_3T_rfMRI_REST1_LR.nii.gz' % (rest_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/%s_3T_SpinEchoFieldMap_LR.nii.gz' % (rest_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/%s_3T_SpinEchoFieldMap_RL.nii.gz' % (rest_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/LINKED_DATA/PHYSIO/%s_3T_rfMRI_REST1_LR_Physio_log.txt' % (rest_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/release-notes/rfMRI_REST1_unproc.txt' % subj_id] else: rest_path = '%s/MNINonLinear/Results' % subj_id files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/brainmask_fs.2.nii.gz' % rest_path] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/Movement_Regressors_dt.txt' % rest_path] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/Movement_Regressors.txt' % rest_path] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/Movement_AbsoluteRMS.txt' % rest_path] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/Movement_AbsoluteRMS_mean.txt' % rest_path] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/Movement_RelativeRMS.txt' % rest_path] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/Movement_RelativeRMS_mean.txt' % rest_path] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/rfMRI_REST1_LR_Atlas.dtseries.nii' % rest_path] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/rfMRI_REST1_LR_Jacobian.nii.gz' % rest_path] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/rfMRI_REST1_LR_SBRef.nii.gz' % rest_path] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/rfMRI_REST1_LR.nii.gz' % rest_path] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/rfMRI_REST1_LR_Physio_log.txt' % rest_path] files += ['%s/rfMRI_REST1_LR/RibbonVolumeToSurfaceMapping/goodvoxels.nii.gz' % rest_path] files += ['%s/release-notes/rfMRI_REST1_preproc.txt' % subj_id] return files
[docs] def get_task_files(self, process, task, subj_id): """ Parameters ---------- task : String the type of activity for functional data, can choose from emotional, gambling, language, motor, relational, social, and workingmemory process : boolean whether or not the data is processed or not can choose from True or False subj_id : String the id of the subject the files are on """ files = [] task = task.upper() if not process: func_path = '%s/unprocessed/3T' % subj_id task_path = '%s/tfMRI/%s_LR' % (func_path, task) files += ['%s/%s_3T_BIAS_32CH.nii.gz' % (task_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s_3T_BIAS_BC.nii.gz' % (task_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s_3T_SpinEchoFieldMap_LR.nii.gz' % (task_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s_3T_SpinEchoFieldMap_RL.nii.gz' % (task_path, subj_id)] files += ['%s/%s_3T_tfMRI_%s_LR.nii.gz' % (task_path, subj_id, task)] files += ['%s/%s_3T_tfMRI_%s_LR_SBRef.nii.gz' % (task_path, subj_id, task)] files += ['%s/LINKED_DATA/EPRIME/%s_3T_%s_run2_TAB.txt' % (task_path, subj_id, task)] files += ['%s/LINKED_DATA/EPRIME/EVs/%s_Stats.csv' % (task_path, task)] files += ['%s/LINKED_DATA/EPRIME/EVs/fear.txt' % (func_path, task)] files += ['%s/LINKED_DATA/EPRIME/EVs/neut.txt' % (task_path)] files += ['%s/LINKED_DATA/EPRIME/EVs/Sync.txt' % (task_path)] files += ['%s/release-notes/tfMRI_%s_unproc.txt' % (subj_id, task)] else: func_path = '%s/MNINonLinear/Results' % subj_id task_path = '%s/tfMRI_%s_LR' % (func_path, task) files += ['%s/brainmask_fs.2.nii.gz' % (task_path)] files += ['%s/%s_run2_TAB.txt' % (task_path, task)] files += ['%s/Movement_Regressors_dt.txt' % (task_path)] files += ['%s/Movement_Regressors.txt' % (task_path)] files += ['%s/Movement_AbsoluteRMS.txt' % (task_path)] files += ['%s/Movement_AbsoluteRMS_mean.txt' % (task_path)] files += ['%s/Movement_RelativeRMS.txt' % (task_path)] files += ['%s/Movement_RelativeRMS_mean.txt' % (task_path)] files += ['%s/tfMRI_%s_LR_Atlas.dtseries.nii' % (task_path, task)] files += ['%s/tfMRI_%s_LR_Jacobian.nii.gz' % (task_path, task)] files += ['%s/tfMRI_%s_LR_SBRef.nii.gz' % (task_path, task)] files += ['%s/tfMRI_%s_LR.nii.gz' % (task_path, task)] files += ['%s/tfMRI_%s_LR_Physio_log.txt' % (task_path, task)] files += ['%s/tfMRI_%s_LR_hp200_s4_level1.fsf' % (task_path, task)] files += ['%s/RibbonVolumeToSurfaceMapping/goodvoxels.nii.gz' % (task_path)] files += ['%s/EVs/%s_Stats.csv' % (task_path, task)] files += ['%s/tfMRI_%s/tfMRI_%s_hp200_s4_level2.fsf' % (func_path, task, task)] files += ['%s/release-notes/tfMRI_%s_preproc.txt' % (subj_id, task)] # Task-specific-files: if task == 'emotion': files += ['%s/EVs/fear.txt' % (task_path)] files += ['%s/EVs/neut.txt' % (task_path)] files += ['%s/EVs/Sync.txt' % (task_path)] return files
[docs] def fetch(self, n_subjects=1, data_types=None, tasks=None, atlases=None, mnis=None, force=False, check=True, verbose=1, properties=None, process=None): """ Parameters ---------- n_subjects : int the number of subjects to fetch files from data_types : list the type of data to fetch, can choose from anat, diff, func, or rest tasks : list the type of activity for functional data, can choose from emotional, gambling, language, motor, relational, social, and workingmemory atlases : list scope of surface data, can choose from native or fsaverage mnis : list determines whether to use mninonlinear data or not, can choose from true or false properties : list the chosen properties displayed in structural data files can choose from myelinmap, curvature, thickness process : list whether or not the data is processed or not can choose from True or False """ if data_types is None: data_types = ['anat', 'diff', 'task', 'rest'] if tasks is None: tasks = ['emotion', 'gambling', 'language', 'motor', 'relational', 'social', 'wm'] if atlases is None: atlases = ['native', 'fsaverage'] if mnis is None: mnis = [True, False] if properties is None: properties = ['myelinmap', 'curvature', 'thickness'] if process is None: process = [True] subj_ids = self.get_subject_list(n_subjects=n_subjects) # Build a list of files to fetch src_files = [] for subj_id in subj_ids[:n_subjects]: for data_type in data_types: if data_type == 'diff': for pro in process: src_files += self.get_diff_files(process=pro, subj_id=subj_id) if data_type == 'anat': for pro in process: for atlas in atlases: for mni in mnis: for prop in properties: src_files += self.get_anat_files(process=pro, subj_id=subj_id, atlas=atlas, mni=mni, property=prop) if data_type == 'rest': for pro in process: src_files += self.get_rest_files(process=pro, subj_id=subj_id) if data_type == 'task': print process, tasks for pro in process: for task in tasks: src_files += self.get_task_files(process=pro, task=task, subj_id=subj_id) # Massage paths, based on fetcher type. out_files = self.fetcher.fetch(self.prepend(src_files)) return out_files